Thursday, December 2, 2010

Surgery Done!

Dear Son,

 You were SO brave during the ordeal at the hospital on Tuesday. I was very proud, you weren't afraid at all until after you got out. I wish it had been easier and quicker for you. I wish you didn't cry for 4 hours straight. I wish the nurses would have given you something for pain more quickly. I'm sorry your favorite paci was lost forever!

Seeing you all hooked up to wires brought flashbacks to your NICU days, I hated it.

The lactation consultant says you are not quite ready to try breastfeeding, so you and I will work on it alone and go back to see her in a week.

I love you baby boy,

1 comment:

  1. Dropping in from BabyCenter. Sorry to hear he had such a hardtime. I hope it's getting better and that he's healing well.


    Shan :+)
