Sunday, November 28, 2010

2 Days

Dear Son,

  Unfortunately, they delayed your procedure until Tuesday. We will find out tomorrow about the time and then Tuesday we'll go in. They said I can't feed you for 6 hours and to give you juice or water. I didn't like that, you've never had anything but breast milk and formula.

They are putting you under which is quite scary for your mama, but we'll see how it goes. I hope its easy and pain-free for you and nothing out of the ordinary happens.

You're such a good boy!

Love always,

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Dear Son,

  Today we are getting your tongue "fixed". I am told its a simple and relatively painless procedure, please forgive mama for putting you through more than you've already endured. This should be a walk in the park compared to your first 4 days of life in the NICU.

I am doing this for your future because I'm told it may interfere with your speech development. Also, I hope we can breastfeed. If not its ok, thank you for being patient with me regardless.

Be brave my love,

Monday, November 15, 2010


Dear Son,
 I'm so excited, due to the furlough at work I get to take Wednesdays off to be with you for the next month! We are going to go back to that breastfeeding support group mama loves so much and hang out with awesome women and their babies.

Last night mama was cleaning botttles and put her hair up on her head and it must've looked funny because you laughed out loud over and over and over.

Today is week 2 of full time daddy day care, be a good boy for your uncle and daddy!


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 1

Dear Son,

 We had a rough week with me going back to work and your training daddy how to care for you full time. I missed you terribly and everyday I think of ways to make money and stay home with you. I have your photos all over my desk and on my computer as well as in my pump bag. I'm keeping up with pumping, you've been fed exclusively breastmilk for a week now! NO FORMULA YAY!

We are still waiting for a referral for the ENT, so please understand you may have some pain when they clip your frenulum to free your tongue. Our goal is to breastfeed once you are no longer tongue-tied, I hope we can accomplish that.

Love forever,

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Scary Days

Dear Son,
 You gave us quite the scare with first the wimpering and screaming on Friday after your shots, and then with the projectile vomiting for 9 hours last night. We went to the ER and of course you had nothing to show them and they sent us home! lol

I'm glad you're ok though, I was really worried. Mama is SO tired now, but I don't want to move you from my sight so you're sleeping on my side of the bed. Maybe when daddy gets up he'll watch you while I nap.

Back to work tomorrow, big day for both of us. I've never been away from you for more than an hour and even then you were just upstairs!

I love you my big boy!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Icky Shots

Dear Son,
Today are your 2 month shots, please don't cry too much...its going to break mama's heart!

My big boy, growing up so fast!

Love you,

Thursday, November 4, 2010

We did it!

Dear Son,

  Mama has been struggling to feed you only her breastmilk since you got out of the NICU and I've tried everything under the sun to make that happen. Today, my dearest love, I got my best amount of breastmilk EVER! I'm SO excited, I don't want to wake you but I want to shout out loud! I hope to continue to give you the best I have to give for at least another 10 months  :)

I love you to the moon and back,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Work, Work, Work

Dear Son,

  I go back to work in 6 days and the thought of leaving you is heartbreaking. We have spent nearly 1500 hours together with no more than a 1 hour break apart since you were born (after the NICU stay that is).

I have done my best to prepare your "dada" as he likes to call himself (lol) to care for you, please be patient with him he doesn't know what he's doing. He may put you in a diaper that leaks until he gets the hang of tightening them or feed you old milk (though I hope not), but I think you'll be ok!

My goal is to give you the best of this world and I do that each day by feeding you breastmilk, cloth diapering your bum and kissing you as often as I can.

Let's make this transition to work an easy one! I love you to pieces


Monday, November 1, 2010


Dear Son,

  Thank you for being so amazing! I love to kiss your little face...but love...can we please stop spitting up gallons of breastmilk down mama's cami? I know there is a valley between my breasts which is a perfect goalpost to aim for, but it stinks to clean up down to my belly and then change my shirt!

I love you always,

P.S. Talking to the ceiling spirits is eerie! Are they good spirits??